For some odd reason many companies and many representatives are trying to find the perfect thing to say or to associate anything they can lay their hands on to find a unique way to explain what are essential oils and what they can do for you. I have… “IT JUST WORKS”… You don’t have to… Continue Reading

Crazy humans that we can be

There is this thing called Facebook where everything can be posted and most of it is believed. I just came back from Bali and it is a very beautiful place, a paradise. I haven’t seen any plastic floating in the water. However, on Facebook there is this organisation that is showing plastic floating in the… Continue Reading

I love you…

I love you… Three words that the meaning has been modified to satisfy all of our human needs. Three words that have been distorted to make people feel different. Three words that are so misunderstood. To really understand what I am talking about, you need to first understand that the person that you thing that… Continue Reading


Hi y’all! It’s been a long time since I wrote. However, this morning, after reading a post on Facebook, I needed to explain something. I don’t want you guys to believe that I am judging in any way, but this needs to be said. Every day, I go through my Facebook posts. Some inspire me… Continue Reading

Fluorine vs. Fluoride

Facts about Fluorine Fluorine, according to Doctor Fournier, “is a catalytic treatment for bone disorders and rickets. It is the re-calcification agent that re-calcifies, something seldom accomplished by calcium which has a usurped reputation. We know that the inhabitants of the island of Tristan Da Cunta have no cavities, because the island’s soil contains fluorine,… Continue Reading

Facts about magnesium

Magnesium is an essential regulator of the body’s metabolism, mainly that of nerve cells. The body contains approximately 20 to 30 grams of magnesium. 50% of it is found in bones. Its metabolism is closely related to that of calcium and phosphorus in the bones. As for its presence in blood, magnesium is closely linked… Continue Reading


Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are sugars. They represent a source of energy that is quickly available to the body, for example during physical effort. There are different sorts of carbohydrates, defined by their more or less complex structures. Simple Sugars Simple sugars, also called monosaccharides, contain only one elementary molecule. We distinguish between: Glucose, which is not… Continue Reading


Digestion plays a major role in the transformation and assimilation of food, and includes all chemical and mechanical processes that occur inside the body: the synthesis of food through chemical reactions (anabolism) and the breakdown of food by a chemical process (catabolism, basal metabolism, additional metabolism and other more or less complex mechanisms). The role… Continue Reading