Fluorine vs. Fluoride

Facts about Fluorine

Fluorine, according to Doctor Fournier, “is a catalytic treatment for bone disorders and rickets. It is the re-calcification agent that re-calcifies, something seldom accomplished by calcium which has a usurped reputation. We know that the inhabitants of the island of Tristan Da Cunta have no cavities, because the island’s soil contains fluorine, as does tooth enamel”.

– Fluorine is a simple element that exists in nature, generally in the form of calcium fluoride, and is one of the components of hard tissues in the body (bone, teeth and cartilage).

The body of an adult contains on average 2.6 g of fluorine.

 Fluoride, however, usually refers to man-made compounds that are VERY toxic to our species. The fluoride compound that is routinely added to municipal water supplies, is Hydrofluosilicic Acid, an extremely toxic and poisonous waste product that is produced by phosphate-fertilizer plants.

The Role of Fluorine

– It prevents tooth decay. During the formation of teeth, fluorine is incorporated into tooth enamel from the third month of pregnancy up to around the age of six to form baby teeth, then afterwards to form permanent teeth.

– It is also incorporated into the bones.

– Fluorine increases the hardness and resistance of tooth enamel and bones, and it delays and hinders the formation of dental plaque.

Therapeutic Indications

  • Prevention of cavities
  • Indicated in cases of scoliosis and rickets
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding
  • Helps re-calcification


 Fluorine-rich foods (unquantifiable for most foods)

  • Giblets and offal
  • Meat
  • Seafood and fish
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables (spinach, watercress, cucumber, radish, etc.)
  • Fruits (bananas, oranges, grapefruit, apples, apricots)
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Milk
  • Tea: 30 to 175 mg/kg (dried leaves)

Note: in drinking water, fluorine content varies according to the nature of the ground.

Fluorine-Rich Food Supplements

  • Seawater
  • Plasma marinum
  • Powdered oysters
  • Seaweed
  • Fish organolysat
  • Fish soft roe

Daily Requirements

The recommended daily intake of fluorine remains an open subject. It is best to observe the situation from afar and not take part in the never-ending controversies.

  • Fluorine is toxic; at high doses (over 3 mg per litre), it can cause deadly poisoning.
  • An excessive dose of fluorine, called Fluoric cachexia, causes major changes in the teeth and bones.

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