Monthly Archives: November 2023



The only thing you need is a spark, an “ah-ha” moment, to keep you going or to get you started, again. “I believe that you can do it”. I have been saying it again and again to myself, to others: “We need some type of savior, a person that will turn this turmoil around”. I have the vision of what needs to be done. However, I couldn’t find the “what’s” and “how’s” it should be done.


When you are in a desperate situation, your mind cannot help you to get out of that slump. Sometimes, it takes the external force to get you connected again. Sometimes, you ache so much that you cannot find your way back. But then, from NOWHERE, it becomes NOW HERE. You get that small energy ball from within that wants to connect to the infinite ball of fire that is out there.

I don’t know how long “my meat suit” has left on this planet earth and it doesn’t really matter. What matters is what am I going to do with what time I have left? So, for my first venture of 2024, I will be taking care of what is most precious to me: “MOI”. I understand that to build prosperity I need to solve problems and add value for our customers. In 2024, I am that customer. I will solve my problems and I will add value to myself. Selfish? Nope!

Right now, I am coming out of depression. I have all that time to read, study, write, and meditate. I am grateful for that time.

I am also turning 65 today, and I am going to work on my dream.

I will be diligently working and developing my 7 philosophies to regulate the level of prosperity. I took these from blogs that Randy Gage wrote. If you want to read those you can start here.

  1. Health: I believe that I am an integral co-creator in my mental and physical health.
  2. Relationship: I surround myself with people who challenge me in a positive way: these people see a higher vision of myself and inspire me to seek it.
  3. Environment: I make my surroundings harmonious and inspirational.
  4. Leverage: I dedicate my time to learning knowledge that my mind can apply to earnings. I start a cycle where every day I wake up wealthier than when I was when I went to sleep the night before – and continue on that cycle for the rest of my life.
  5. Spirituality: I manifest prosperity to the degree I believe I am worthy of it. Co-creators have pride of ownership in their lives and they take personal responsibility for them. And, I manifest true prosperity.
  6. Financial: I filter my decisions through lifestyle. I wake up every morning wealthier than when I went to sleep the night before. These are the 9 points Randy Gage has, regarding personal finances.
    1. If you want to create wealth, you have to take in more money than you spend.
    2. Don’t seek financial advice from broke people.
    3. You never go broke from the deal you didn’t do.
    4. Poverty is a sin.
    5. Either you use leverage, or you’re being used for someone else’s leverage.
    6. You don’t have to be an “investor” to grow your wealth, just financially literate.
    7. Your goal is to wake up each morning wealthier than when you went to sleep. (I’m repeating myself but sometimes is necessary to finally understand it)
    8. An employee can create wealth just as well as an entrepreneur can.
    9. Don’t be a DFM. Dumb fucking moron…. lol… Randy always has a colourful way of saying things.
  7. Purpose: What is my philosophy of life? My philosophy is best expressed and demonstrated by my day-to-day actions – how I live my life. My highest moral purpose must be my own happiness. My first and foremost goal in life is to be happy – FEEL GOOD.

I am also going to work on the 5 modules that Randy Gage suggests regarding Financial Freedom.

Module 1: Hone your critical thinking skills. Herd thinking will keep you sick, broke and ignorant. Be willing to be different and don’t look for approval from external sources. Turn your social media feed into a university for enlightenment.

Module 2: Develop your financial literacy.

Module 3: Create your “Get out of debt” plan

  • Eliminate credit card debt
  • Pay car loan

Module 4: Set up your investment trading accounts

Module 5: Monitor, don’t micro-manage.

If you really want to know more about this, you can go to Randy Gage’s blog and read. Here is the link:

I am also going to restart my “FEEL GOOD” WEBINAR. One of the reasons I will be working on this a lot is to continue working on my own personality and also helping others to find who they are. And, at the same time I will be on a quest: finding a mate. Sounds funny but I read something the other day and it kind of lit a small spark that I need to nourish. It said: “You don’t necessarily need a mate with the same personality as you have (that part I understand). What you need is to know what kind of personality they have so that you can understand them.” So, that made me think: “What if, by helping others find themselves, I could eventually find that person, that mate, and at the same time understand him?” Hmmmm…. Well, we’ll see how this one goes.

I also want at this point to wish you the best of year. I truly believe that if each individual would go for a more positive aspect of life, life on this planet would be wonderful: a good FEEL GOOD place. Maybe, like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, just maybe a word, a gesture from a friend or something you read would help you get out of bad feelings and start working on yourself, to better yourself. It is, by the way, the only way. It is not in trying to change the world or others that your life is going to get better, but by bettering yourself. When everyone will understand this concept, it will be a FEEL GOOD place to live.






THE PRESENT MOMENT – HERE AND NOW If you google “present moment”, 1.7 billion posts come up in about 4 seconds. It’s a simple definition. It’s now, right now. But since time has been invented (meaning the clock), it is hard to visualize the present moment because we ask ourselves: “How can I be in… Continue Reading


LONG-COVID WORSE THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT? Throughout my “FARMACY FRIDAYS”, I will be introducing you to Dr. Shawn Talbott, Chief Science Officer at Amare Global, The Mental Wellness Company which I have started to work with this past month. The reason is that he has the scientific knowledge which I believe is necessary to accentuate what… Continue Reading


DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESS: CHANGE YOUR HABITS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE People often think about wellness in terms of physical health — nutrition, exercise, weight management, etc., but it is so much more. Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fueling the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing the spirit. Although it always… Continue Reading


WHAT IS MINDFULNESS? Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Are you supposed to clear your mind, or focus on one thing? Here’s the Mindful definition of Mindfulness. Mindfulness. It’s a pretty… Continue Reading


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) causes long-lasting exhaustion and fatigue unalleviated by sleep or rest. In the United States, more than a million people have been diagnosed with CFS. For many, the symptoms of the increasingly common condition reduce their quality of life. Cognitive Problems One common symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is impaired cognitive function. Often, people with… Continue Reading


Digestive issues are disorders of the digestive tract, or sometimes called the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In digestion, food and drink are broken down into small parts (called nutrients) that the body can absorb and use as energy and building blocks for cells. The digestive tract is made up of the esophagus (food tube), stomach, large… Continue Reading


A cup of kidney beans can provide around one-third, if not more, of the fiber you need per day. Other high fiber foods include berries, cruciferous vegetables, oats, chia seeds, and dark chocolate. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends consuming about 14 grams (g) of fiber for every 1,000 calories you consume daily. The following table… Continue Reading