As long as it breathes…

As long as it breathes, a living body still has the power and the knowledge how to return to health.  What it needs is the combination of acknowledgement of the problem and the willpower to change, because there cannot be any changes without first being willing to do so.  It doesn’t matter if the person is very sick.  It just takes a spark of understanding that we live in a marvelous machine that is capable of healing itself with the proper tools: water, air, a good diet and good quality cellular nutrition to help the body cleanse and of course motion: Nothing happens without motion.

It takes years for sickness to settle in a healthy body.  People should give their body some time to be able to get rid of the sickness.  It cannot cure itself in an instant and it cannot cure itself when it is bombarded with chemicals (medication).  Medication may be an alternative to suppress a condition while the person lets his body return to a healthier state.  But medication should not be looked upon as a permanent solution.  Sometimes, medication is necessary but only for a short period of time.

as long as it breaths

Many health conditions are signals not to be ignored.  They are the beginning of something bigger if not taken seriously, and masking these conditions with medications is not the healthy way of taking it seriously.  High blood pressure and high cholesterol can be reversed when the root of these problems are eliminated.  You don’t need someone that is going to take care of your illness by giving you a pill for your high blood pressure and one for high cholesterol.  You need someone that is going to help you find the cause of your high blood pressure or cholesterol, and eliminate the cause.  It also takes a lot of willingness from the person with the health problem to accept the fact that they will have to change.  The will to change their way of thinking and accepting to change are two things that humans have a lot of problems to do.

Also, it is important that the person understands that these changes are not a temporary thing.  These life alterations are meant to be for the rest of your life.  Because, if you go back to old habits, the health conditions that you’re getting rid of will come back and sometimes with a vengeance.

Unfortunately, we live in a time where there is more emphasis on the problem and on the cure than on the prevention.  If we would teach our children to eat properly, exercise and get fresh air, we wouldn’t have a pandemic proportion of obesity, sickness and health problems.  What is so frightening at this point is the fact that many of our young kids are now dealing with health problems that we would only find in grown-ups just a few years ago.

So, read the book, go to the seminar and learn about your body. It is fascinating! Don’t look for the magic pill: There is none. Go see a nutritionist. Ask questions. The mind is the key to your new ways. It just needs to be reprogrammed…



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