30 Ways You Can Poison Yourself Before Breakfast

Or… Why Some People Feel Bad, Get Sick, Even Die!

If a product has a warning on the label, it is poison! What is the cumulative effect on our health after using many products that

Contain small amounts of dangerous poisonous chemicals? We spend every night breathing vapors from chemical poisons in the mattress or pillow and sleeping between sheets washed in poison.

A typical US family might start the day grooming with a shower or bath, shampoo, condition, brush teeth, shave, as well as using colognes, perfumes, hairsprays etc. in an enclosed area using many products containing poisonous ingredients. Then we all dress with clothes washed in poison.

According to the US Government and the product manufacturers, the following is only a partial list of chemical poisons found in the products that are inhaled, absorbed, or ingested by the body before you even eat breakfast! This list does not include the additional use of common household cleaners.

Do you think these poisons might also cause our children to have problems?

Negative Health Effects (See Partial List)

When using common household cleaners in the shower, on mirrors, toilet, etc., you inhale and absorb a whole new range of poisonous chemicals that can damage the organs, eyes, central, nervous and respiratory systems.

Day after day, week after week, year after year, people may be unaware they are being exposed to numerous poisonous chemicals found in common, everyday household and personal care products. By themselves there is reason for concern, but when you combine them in your body, there is reason to worry.

Replace your toxic products with safe, all natural Young Living Products, contact me for more information.

www.cb-consulting.ca  506-229-0062   cbconsulting1958@rogers.com

30 ways






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