I was surfing my wall on Facebook and someone had put this quote:

“Like” if you wish cancer didn’t exist.

When I read this quote, this thought came to my mind: “If cancer didn’t exist, how would your body tell you, as its last resort, to stop doing what is making you sick”?

I don’t get it.  If we don’t “like” something, why are we talking about it all the time?  We are attracting it by mentioning it.   The more you emphasize something, the more it will be there.  It’s the law of attraction.

Now, some people might say: “Then I’ll change my quote to – “Like if you wish you had a healthy body”. It is still very controversial.  It means that you have now a sick body and your wish is to have a healthy body.

Here is what would be the quote of all quotes.  “Like if you have a healthy body” and everyone on the planet earth would click “Like”.  Why, because everybody HAS a healthy body.  Ok, I hear you:  “What the heck is she talking about?” But it is true!  Everyone has a healthy body.   It is just hiding underneath all that sickness you created.  And then, you would reply: “I didn’t create my sickness!”

Ninety percent of sickness has been brought upon, either by our own demise (eating the wrong food or not enough or the right food) or by our lack of knowledge (how the body works and what it needs to survive).

“But what about the other ten percent” you might ask?  “I know that I am part of that ten percent” you might say.  They would be considered as congenital mishaps and could strongly be because of the lack of health of the mother ship you were in however; this last one still could range into the ninety percent and you could still fix that.

Here are two statistics, which doctors rely on to explain your condition, and that people believe that they have.

  • In the era that we are living in, twenty five percent of adults have Metabolic Syndrome (Insulin Resistance or Syndrome X) and another twenty five percent are on the way to getting it.
  • Thirty percent of our children have evidence of early insulin resistance.

Insulin is a great gift from God.  Your doctor will tell you that:  “It’s that hormone that helps your body to stabilize your blood sugar”, and they are partly right.  However, they should have told you that the primary purpose of insulin in humans is to STORE (not getting rid of) excess nutrients (not only sugar but also proteins and fats).  It is not only to lower blood sugar (like doctors are informing their patients) but to STORE it in the cells and convert it into fat for future use where glucagon (another pancreatic hormone) will change it back to sugar (which almost never happens to a fat person) since there is too much sugar in the bloodstream at almost any given time because your cells have decided not to respond to insulin anymore.   So you have too much sugar in the bloodstream and also too much insulin because your cells are not responding to the insulin.  So, the next thing that insulin does is change the sugar into fat cells.  There its job is done.  But, not likely!

Insulin has other duties that are needed by the body, but because it is so busy working to STORE sugar, it is also dragging off other duties that are crucial to the human body.  One specific one is the storage of magnesium.  Since the cells are not responding to the insulin and that insulin is responsible to STORE magnesium in the cell, there is less magnesium going into the cell and your magnesium is just dismissed (through your urine, stool or transpiration).


  • Build muscles (your heart is a muscle), when your cells are letting the sugar in.
  • Stores proteins and all sorts of nutrients too
  • When the levels are too high in the bloodstream, it will cause retention of sodium, which causes the retention of fluid, which causes high blood pressure, which can cause congestive heart failure.
  • In high levels, it will also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (causes arterial spasm: constriction of the arteries)
  • It mediates blood lipids: so control the insulin and it will control blood lipids.
  • It stimulates and increases cell proliferation: stimulates cells to divide, (even cancer cells, but this is another story). Studies show that breasts and colon cancer patients have high levels of insulin.
  • Causes the conversion of macrophages (which are the cells that accumulate the fatty deposits) into foam cells which in turn are accumulated in the endothelium cells (the lining of the arteries) which do not become insulin resistant.  So the effect of insulin on these cells causes plaque build-up.
  • It is part of any known cause of cardiovascular disease.
  • It influences nitric oxide synthase. When the body produces less nitric oxide, there is less vasodilation and constriction which causes angina.
  • It controls mostly all hormones including DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone.
  • It controls the magnesium intake by the cells. When there is no magnesium binding with calcium, this affects the health of the skeleton system and may cause osteoporosis.
  • Hyperinsulinemia (too much insulin in the bloodstream) causes the excretion of magnesium and calcium, which in turn causes osteoporosis amongst other health problems with this kind of deficiency.

You see, God made insulin for a lot more reason than taking care of sugar in the bloodstream.  However, since insulin is too busy storing proteins, sugar into fat and fat into foam cells (keeping the bloodstream clean) all of the above duties are kind of not taken care of the proper way if not at all.

Who is responsible? We are: “Either by our own demise (eating the wrong food or not enough or the right food) or by our lack of knowledge (how the body works and what it needs to survive)”.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

It is our responsibility to take care of our own body.  Learn more!  Read a book! Go to the seminar!  In the next year, I will have webinars on Insulin Resistance, Cardiovascular System, Hormones, Weight Management, Women’s Health and Emotional Issues.  Here is something interesting.  All of the above mentioned health issues are related somewhat to either insulin or lack of magnesium.  “You want to know more?” Sign up for the next webinar… watch out 2024, here we come!

Carole Boudreau, Natural Health Practitioner

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