Oh God, have mercy on our souls… lol… Now, by just writing this, gives you a glimpse of what I could be: part Pleasurable… lol.

These Powerful Ones will either look at something being white or black, no grey area. What they want is to get it done, now! They have a look that says “you better, or else”, and we get this vibe from them that sometimes gets us all confused about what they really feel. They sound like they are mad and they rather talk then listen. When they talk it is quick, abrupt and to the point. They are in charge and you don’t contradict them.

Their belief is that they should be in charge of their environment. Honestly, they would do great on a small island by themselves. Their favorite vehicle would be the tank, get out of my way type of thing. There is no difficulty for them to make way, where there is none. Move it, move it, move it. It needs to be done so get out of the way. The downside of this is that many get plowed to the side and even crushed by their way they work. If someone even speaks out by telling them that they are hurting them, their response will be: “But look at what I have accomplished”.

It takes, however a very strong person to be able to tell the Powerful Ones that they need to make sure that they are not hurting anyone while doing their thing. They are amazing people if you want something done and fast.

The good part of this is that if they are not driving their tank, Powerful Ones are good in leading roles and are usually running things – their favorite environment.

Their favorite vocabulary would be: “Grasp”, “control”, “get r’ done”. They like to hear other say that they “appreciate” what he or she is doing, look what you have “accomplished”, and what you have “achieved”. If you include these words in your vocabulary, you get their attention. Unfortunately, Powerful Ones do everything so that you feel that you shouldn’t use these words. But they need to be appreciated for what they are doing and they need to hear it. And it is not only that they like to hear, they must hear it. If you do not appreciate what they are doing, then they turn into workaholic. They will do more and more and won’t stop until you give them the okay. If you do not appreciate them, they will seek approval elsewhere.

Powerful Ones at their best are born leaders. They have tons of confidence. They are goal setters, very independent. They move quickly to action and they are very bold. If they are denied appreciation, they become bossy and impatient. They will be quick tempered and very demanding. They will become Mr. or Mrs. Know it All and be very arrogant. A Powerful One might not love others the same way as the other dominant traits. They can all have different underlying motivation in loving someone. A Peaceful One will love someone else because that specific person will make a difference in their life. A Powerful One will love someone else because that person will help them achieve their goals. The first wants someone to inspire them. The second one needs someone in their live so that they accomplish what they want to do.

To know what makes Powerful Ones click is what helps us in having unity. So what they really want is only appreciation for what they are accomplishing.

Summarizing what Powerful Ones are is that they want thing to get done and they want to be appreciated for it. Their favorite vehicle is a tank but their favorite environment would be conducting and orchestra, always being in the lead and usually running things, and of course being appreciated for it. The language that should be used with Powerful Ones would be the words “grasp”, “get r’ done”, “appreciation”, “accomplishment”, and “achievement”. You will know them by their impatient tone of voice. They usually talk but don’t really listen. When they speak it is intense, using quick words, very abrupt and to the point. At their best, they are born leaders, very confident, goal setters, independent, bold and quick to action. At their worst they are bossy, impatient, demanding, know it all, arrogant, and quick tempered.

THE POWERFUL ONES                           THE REFINED ONES                            THE PEACEFUL ONES                            THE PLEASURABLE ONES

You might also refer to the Dominant and Secondary traits after receiving your results from the assessment made in the 5th session of the Webinar.