Jade Lemon Essential Oil

  • Source Plant: Citrus limon eureka var. formosensis is a hybrid species from the common Citrus Lemon and Mountain lemon.
  • Plant Part Used: Rind or peel.
  • Extraction Method: Cold-pressing.
  • Main Constituent: Most active chemical compound is D-limonene.

  • Jade lemon typically grows in the mountainous regions of Taiwan and China.
  • Compared to common lemon trees, jade lemon trees have a tolerance for higher elevations and cooler climates.
  • Unlike the common lemon, it remains green into maturity, and only releases it’s oil, after being picked.
  • The jade lemon tree was hybridized by farmers who grafted together the roots of a common lemon plant and a mountain lemon plant.
  • Jade lemon’s scent can be characterized as a cross between lemon and lime.

  • Inhaling jade lemon, provides relief from the symptoms of coughs and colds (e.g. congestion, sore throat, etc.)
  • Enjoy a citrusy scent that will uplift and stimulate your body and mind by placing 2-3 drops in your hands, rubbing them together, then cupping them over your nose, and taking a deep breath.
  • Add 8-10 drops of this zesty fragrance to your diffuser, or mix with water in a spray bottle to freshen stagnant air and create an inviting environment.

  • Dilute and massage 1-2 drops of jade lemon onto chest or throat to alleviate the discomfort of cold and cough symptoms.
  • Jade lemon is photosensitive and requires dilution. Exposing the skin to direct sunlight after application can cause skin to burn or darken, up to 12 hours later.
  • Dilute and apply 2-4 drops for local application when experiencing emotional blocks that require clarity of thought and an immediate positive impact on mood.

  • Young Living’s Jade Lemon essential oil has been registered by Health Canada as a natural health product (NHP).
  • This means Health Canada regards it as a naturally occurring substance that is used to restore or maintain good health.
  • Jade Lemon is identifiable as an NHP, because it has an Natural Product Number (NPN) on its labels.
  • Jade Lemon’s NHP status allows you to make the claims that are described in these slides.
  • Always use according to label instructions.


Mix the following in a bowl and store in a glass jar.

  • 5 to 6 drops of Young Living Jade Lemon oil
  • ½ cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp. of olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. of organic pasteurized honey

Scrub on before or during your next shower.

Rub in a circular motion for 2 to 4 minutes.

Rinse off and say hello to more smooth and more radiant skin.

5ml (#468503) 

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Our oils go through this unique “Seed to Seal” process to guaranty that each home receives the best 100% pure essential oil.

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