In the next six weeks, I would like to offer you part of what my FEEL GOOD Free Webinar is offering. Each part of this webinar is directed in answering deep questions that sometimes are hard to find the answer. I am here to tell you that most of the time the answers are right close: they are hiding within.

One part of the webinar is directed to know yourself. We are going to look into what are your traits: Your dominant and secondary traits.

Most people don’t even know what they are. They are in a constant search to find who they are. Then they get hitched with someone they don’t know, but most of the time they get hitched with someone they think resembles either their dad or their mom or even themselves. They have no clue of what that person likes, feels and what are their strengths or weakness. Then a few months passed, and a pattern that they don’t understand start to emerge which they possibly can’t deal with and the relationship goes afloat, and then we start all over again thinking that we have learned our lesson but to find out that we are in the same rollercoaster created a few months or years ago.

So what is the secret of being happy in a relationship? How can I make it work?

The first step is to know thyself… by knowing what you are and what makes you tick, then it would be easier to express this to the other person. After knowing yourself, you can then learn about the other person and know what makes them tick. I truly wish I would have come across this easy way of doing this exercise when I was a young girl. We are mostly told that we either resemble our father or our mother and that is not necessarily true. Each person is unique and this is why it is so important to find out who we really are.

There has been numerous studies on what makes us tick. It started as far back as Ancient Egypt. At that time, men and women knew what each person’s qualities and forces were.  Both Patriarchal and Matriarchal ruled together at that time. Both knew what strengths each would bring to a prosperous relationship. Each gender accepted the other gender’s strengths, and built with them not against them.  In those days men strengths were: history, linear time (specific time), dogma (set of specific rules) rationality (reason and logic), waking reality (what was seen in non-dream state) and of course science. Women, on the other hand, believed in eternity, cycles of time (of course), rituals, magic, altered states (like spirit world) and art. But each gender would accept each other’s strengths and thrived from it. That was a very long time ago and we are only seeing a glimpse of that now.

These days, we have been rerouted by so many false beliefs that we don’t even know if we are coming or going. But one thing that could help us, again, would be to at least know for what we are and build from it.

In later years, we had the father of medicine, Hippocrates, which came upon the theories of humourism.  He came to the conclusion that there are only four different humors and each one brings about different diseases. Through test made with blood, he could differentiate four different kind of appearance in the blood.  He named the four related humor: blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm. Each one in turn became a temperament: blood – sanguine, yellow bile – choleric, black bile – melancholic, and phlegm – phlegmatic.

A sanguine person enthusiastic, active and social. The one with yellow bile, the choleric, would demonstrate sign of aggression, thus controlling and demanding. The black bile, the melancholic, would show signs of depression and no aggression.  They seemed to be part of a group that needed to show that they were not wrong and always wanted to make sure everything was perfect. The Phlegm, phlegmatic, were associated which apathetic behaviors, as peaceful water flows.

Later on, other great people associated the four to air, fire, earth and water; spring, summer, autumn and winter; moist, dry, warm and cold; warm, dry, cold and moist. Everyone needed to put their own grain of salt in the equation, I guess…. lol.

Some would say that there were four temperaments. Others would say five. Then there was nine and thirteen, and so on. However, the simplest equation is only four. You do have one dominant temperament and then you have a secondary one. Let’s look at the four temperaments first and then we will look at the combination of your primary and secondary temperaments.

So, let’s have fun with this. Let’s give names to our four temperaments.

The following 4 weeks we will be looking at each individual ones: The Powerful Ones, The Refined Ones, The Peaceful Ones and then The Pleasurable Ones

The last week, we will be looking at the 6 possible combinations: The Pleasurable/Powerful Ones, The Pleasurable/Peaceful Ones, The Powerful/Refined Ones, The Refined/Peaceful Ones, The Powerful/Peaceful Ones and The Pleasurable/Refined Ones.

Hope this will help you as much as it did me. By the way I am a Pleasurable/Refined One.

This will also be part of my second book: “This book is not for you too”. In the making right now and should be out by the end of the year.

Good reading!


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